Updates on our lives.

It had been quite a difficult fall for us. Jam had medical bills and I was struggling with my job, the death of my grandmother and then my cat in December. Then the holidays rolled around and we were busy. Now it’s 2010! The start of a fresh new year. Unfortunately, the tables for San Japan’s Arist Alley were sold out by January the 3rd, so currently we aren’t going to be there. We are on the waiting list, though.

I will, however, be at Mizuumi-con on February 27th. It’s a small con and I don’t expect to see a ton of people, but it’s better than nothing for this year. I’m pretty sure I won’t be at Jafax this year and Jammer will probably try to move down here to Texas. Hopefully!

Hope you have a great start to the New Year!