Kaede-Con 2014

Kaedecon!  Jam and I had the pleasure of being at Kaede-con this past Saturday.  It was an indoor con hosted at St.Mary’s University.  And although it was indoors the weather outside fluctuated from mildly drizzling or raining to sunny and then to potential hurricane level storming.  So we knew from the get go that this event was small, but I feel like the rain probably prompted some people to stay at home.

This was our first year at this event.  The staff was warm and welcoming.  They’re honestly nice people.  The artist/vendor area was in a gym and there was plenty of space for tables.  And at this time there probably was too much space and too many artists/vendors for the amount of con-goers that ultimately showed up for this one day event.

We saw a lot of familiar faces and met some new ones too!  Can I just take a moment to just appreciate the local Hetalia fandom?  Because you guys are great.  It makes me happy to know there’s so many fans in this area of Texas.

We really hope Kaede-con will grow in the upcoming years.  It’s kind of hard to make it when the weather won’t give you a break and there seemed to be a bit of a struggle getting organized for them.  Hopefully things will smooth out in time!  It may have been a small con, but the people there were great.  The other artists were all cool and friendly and that always makes for a relaxing atmosphere!

Many thanks to Sephi Hakubi for the use of the photo!